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Category: Doctor’s Thoughts

Responding in Three Stages

I have written before about seeing addiction as a maladaptive response to distress. Seen in this way, addiction is chemical coping– habitually using a substance

Why Do You Work?

For many of us, going to work every day is simply something that we do. Oftentimes, we do not really pause and consider why it


At some point in our lives (or maybe many points in our lives), we find ourselves stuck. The way in which we are stuck can

Respect and Admiration

We are social creatures. We have evolved to exist in complex interpersonal structures and communities. As such, we are programmed to seek respect and admiration.

Sprint or Marathon?

When we think about fixing problems, or moving in new directions, we do not think through the amount of time it will take to really

Stop and listen

The current cultural ethos asks us to “engage and to add your voice to the conversation.” Mostly, that seems to translate to shouting into the

Push and Pull

One of the interesting things about taking care of patients with substance use disorders is that the lessons and implications of substance use apply to

Process and Outcome

There are many useful mental models— ways of looking at the world. Looking at a problem or situation through different lenses tends to reveal different

5 Words

Fair warning: the title is a misnomer— this is not really about 5 words, but rather 5 phrases. My wife and I recently had the


Recently, I wasted a night. We had finished dinner, I had some time before bed, and there were several fun things I could have done.