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Category: Doctor’s Thoughts

Looking for Dracula

When I was a child, I attended camp at Bearskin Meadow (fun fact– decades later, I’m the medical director for DYF, the organization that runs

The opposite of addiction

A few months ago, I wrote about opposites, and how the way we define opposites define the idea itself. For example, I wrote about how the

Lines and Circles

Particularly in western thought, we think of many things as a linear process. When it comes to clothing and laundry, we put on clean clothes,

More than Two

I only have two options, and neither of them are good. Most of us have felt this way, or said this to ourselves at some

Take in the Good

A lot of my time is spent helping my patients with problems, dealing with difficult or challenging or uncomfortable things. Fortunately, people also get better,

Understand by Looking Back

Last week, I wrote about ABC goal setting for the New Year. This week, I’d like to propose a different ritual altogether. Rather than thinking

Ditch the Resolution

A year ago, I wrote about goals vs. intentions in the new year. There’s often a lot of mixed feelings about a New Year’s “Resolution.”

Not a Grinch

The post this week is more personal than most. This time of the year could have different associations for you than for me. If that’s


A few patients have recently asked to write about grief. Grief is a complex response to loss, often associated with the death of a loved

Maintenance is Undervalued

I often talk with patients about how to make change. How to exercise more, eat better, stop smoking, have more community, be less sedentary, or